Party: Rhino Room's Late Show 10 Year Anniversary ~ Fringe 2015

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Party: Rhino Room's Late Show 10 Year Anniversary ~ Fringe 2015

The worst kept secret of the Fringe is back and it's celebrating it's 10th year! Join Fringe's biggest names as they take the stage for an intimate late night extravaganza of comedy gold. This is where the Fringe magic happens both during and after the show at the famous Rhino after party!

So Book Early!

You never know who you're going to see at the Rhino Room Late Show and most of the time we never tell... But to give you an idea who you might see here is a list of just some of the Comedians who have played it in it's last 9 years...

Abandoman (UK), Ross Noble (UK), Justin Hamilton, Adam Hills, Fiona O'Loughlin, Rich Hall (USA), Rove McManus, Lee Mack (UK), Greg Burns (UK), Stephen K. Amos, Gordon Southern (UK), Mickey D, Lindsay Webb, Greg Fleet, Kenny Kramer (The Real Kramer), Lehmo, Daniel Kitison, Titty Bar Ha Ha, Hannah Gadsby, Arj Barker (USA), Sam Simmons (JJJ), Josh Thomas, Claire Hooper (GNW), Eddie Ifft (USA), Abigoliah (USA), Gareth Berliner (UK), Adam Keily, Adam Rozenbachs, Adam Vincent, Andrew O'Neill (UK), Asher Trevelan, Bart Freebairn, Cam Knight, Charlie Pickering, Christophe Davidson (CAN), Damien Callinan, Daniel Moore, Danny McGinlay, Dave Bushell, Dave Callan (JJJ), Dave Thornton, David Quirk, DeAnne Smith (CAN), Diane Spencer (UK), Elbow Skin, Felicity Ward, Francesca Martinez (UK), Geraldine Hickey, Geraldine Quinn, Glenn Robins, Harley Breen, Harmon Leon (USA), Jacques Barrett, Janey Godley, Jason Chong, Jason Cook, Jason Pestell, Jeff Green (UK), Jen Bristers (UK), Jimmy McGhie (UK), John Robins (UK), Karl Chandler, Lawrence Mooney, Luke McGregor, Marcel Lucont (France), Marcus Ryan, Mark Trenwith, Markus Birdman, Melinda Buttle, Michael Chamberlain, Mick Molloy, Mike Klimczak, Mikey Robins, Nazeem, Nick Cody, Patrick Monaghan, Peter Burner, Peter Helliar, Piff the Magic Dragon, Rob Beckett (UK), Rob Hunter, The Sandman, Sarah Kendall, Stephen Grant, Steve Hall, Talking Poofy, The Cloud Girls, Tom Ballard, Tom Gleeson, Tommy Dassalo, Tommy Little, Trevor Crook, Wayne Deakin, Who's Line is It Anyway, Will Anderson and so many more! We are sure we have left comedians off this list so if you played it and you're not on it let us know and we'll add you to it.

Who will you see this Year?

Invited: Jessica Murtagh, Eddie Morrison, Twessa Waters, Katy Koren, Lesley-Ann Chambers, Rachael Bettiens, Louise Duncan, Alison Louise London, Dilruk Jayasinha, Aija Rae, Tom Bettany, David Edwards, Lisa Furno, Thomas Green, Shane Abbott, Brandon J Mannarino, Dave Campbell, Mick Krieg, Jessamy Pollock, Lucy Haynes, Vanessa Dingle show more »