Party: Assault VI + Bodycraft giveaways

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Party: Assault VI + Bodycraft giveaways

Everyone's got their loans in, most people have been paid... it's time to party. And we do the best parties, with the best people! Everyone's saying it! Great guys! Yuge!

The good people from Bodycraft enjoyed themselves so much last time, they're returning to us, and bringing along some more goodies and freebies for you lucky people :)

Resident DJs Spike and Nick will be playing the very best in rock, punk, metal, and anything else they feel like throwing in :D

Double Jack Daniels & Mixer* - £2.75
Double Morgan's Spiced & Mixer* - £2.50
Double Smirnoff & Mixer* - £2.50
Budwesier (Bottle) - £2.50
Strongbow / Red Stripe (Cans) - £2.50
Carlsberg / Strongbow / Snakebite 2 Pinters - £4
January Sale Cocktails: from £1.50
Jung Bomb £1.50

* Coke Or Lemonade Only

How much?
£3 before 11pm, £4 after.
£1 discount with RockSoc card
Click 'attending' on the event for FREE ENTRY before 10.30! (guest list closes at 8pm)
Last entry 1:30am + R.O.A.R
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, please bring ID

The Loft (NTU Students' Union), on Shakespeare Street.

Come down and party with us!