Party: Pirate Party
Main page > Cube Hotel > Pirate Party
Upcoming: 48
Date: 30.04.2017 21:00
Address: 169 Margaret Street, Toowoomba, Australia | show on the map »
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Cube Hotel Presents...
A Sunday Funday Pirate Paaaarhhhhty
Ahoy! What ye now read is ye callin into port with Captin Cubeman fleet.
We be holdin' a party t' celebrate the last long Weekend for a while.
Callin' it th' pirate parhhhty 'cause that be wha' we be, PIRATES!
So come on in and enjoy some rum, have a dance and make the most of the long weekend
Dress like ye be a pirate 'n come ready t' be
cannon balled on th' dance deck.
Sunday 30th o' April be a grand long weekend.
invite your mates all free entry!
Be there before 10.30pm! Dress up to win....