Party: STURMFREI, presented by DJ Juliano

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STURMFREI, presented by DJ Juliano

Club: Discoteca Number One

Upcoming: 71
Date: 18.04.2015 20:00
Address: Gewerbepark Süd 26, Leibnitz, Austria | show on the map »

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Party: STURMFREI, presented by DJ Juliano

Endlich ist es wieder soweit, die legendäre Eventreihe im Number One:
☁STURMFREI☁, presented by DJ Juliano!


☁Main Club:
DJ Juliano
DJ / LJ Korb Korbus
& LJ Philippus

DJ Potenz

➨ Special 1€ Time bis 22 Uhr!
➨ Best Music in town!
➨ Fire, Laser & CO2 show presented by LJ Philippus!
