Party: Rushed Ambition: A SaskRush AfterParty w/ Dj Anchor

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Party: Rushed Ambition: A SaskRush AfterParty w/ Dj Anchor

Dream Big Productions &


Rushed Ambition

A SaskRush After Party with
Offcial Rush Dj - Dj Anchor &
Gameday Voice of the Rush and Local Celebrity Pat Dubois from 92.9 The Bull

Sasktoon Event Centre is your Tailgating Central. Show up before the game to enjoy a great menu and hop on a Bus to and from the game ! Come Party like the 2016 Champions !!!

Platinum/Gold tickets including bus ride are $60 (includes a FREE Afterparty ticket) ( Tailgate party is ALL AGES)

Advanced Afterparty tickets are $10, Door $15 (19+)
Show your SaskRush Game ticket and ONLY pay $10 at the door
