Party: Hackney Green Party and The Radical Film Network Present: People Power double-bill - A TIME COMES/MCLIBEL
Main page > Passing Clouds > Hackney Green Party and The Radical Film Network Present: People Power double-bill - A TIME COMES/MCLIBEL
Upcoming: 50
Date: 24.09.2015 18:30
Address: 1 Richmond Rd, Dalston, London, United Kingdom | show on the map »
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BRISTOL - PRSC New Building (7pm/£3 suggested donation)
LIVERPOOL - A Small Cinema (6pm/by donation)
LONDON - Passing Clouds, Dalston (6.30pm/by donation)
LEEDS - The Reliance Cinema (7.30pm/£4)
WORCESTER - The Hive Studio (6pm/by donation)
GLASGOW - Govan Hill Baths (7pm/by donation)
In light of the General Election 2015 results in the UK there was a feeling that the ‘powers-that-be’ had won and that the people were about to face the consequences of this. Has all been lost?
The Radical Film Network has responded by gathering a collection of its affiliated groups together to show through film, the power that the people have when they unite over a common cause for a collective struggle. The People Power event will take place on Thursday 24th September with 6 double-bill screenings of A Time Comes (2009) and McLibel (2005) happening up-and-down the country. The events aim to unite individuals within the screening
space and foster dialogues of what we can do as individuals and as collectives to effect change. It’s about positivity, unity and struggle.
So, if you want to join us in this motion-picture collective union, check out the screening list or get involved in the online discussion by using #PeoplePower on Twitter. The events are being supported by the Scalarama 2015 programme.
A TIME COMES / Nick Broomfield (2009) / 20 mins
The film documents the story of 6 Greenpeace volunteers who were tried but then acquitted of shutting down a power station in the UK. Their actions were in protest over the Government’s plans to build a series of new, coal-fired power plants despite the on-going climate change battle facing humanity.
MCLIBEL / Franny Armstrong (2005) / 85 mins
This ‘David and Goliath’ tale documents how gardener, Helen Steel and postman Dave Morris, took on one of the largest and most aggressive multinational corporations the world has ever seen – McDonalds – in a court case over free speech… and won.
This event is hosted by The Hackney Green Party as a member of theRadical Film Network. We will be hosting a regular screening at Passing Clouds on monthly Sundays, where we screen a political film and discuss the film and related issues after. Anyone is welcome to join the Radical Film Network and we are always thankful for volunteers on our team. Come and get involved!
Free Entry (donations welcome)