Party: Halloween party with Dock Side Drive
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We are concluding Red Hot Swing's 12th anniversary live music festival with a powerhouse band: Dock Side Drive! With four-part vocal harmonies backed by multiple instruments, they're a bigger band than we normally get because finishing with a bang should always be a thing. :D
And since it's a Halloween party there'll be other fun stuff for you to enjoy, including treats to nom, decorations, and a costume contest with prizes. Our decorator-in-chief, Erin, has decreed that the theme for this year's bash is mad science. (I've already figured out which creation of a mad scientist I'm coming as. -sav)
As usual, we kick off our Friday night festivities with a drop-in beginner dance lesson at 8:35pm. Neither partner nor experience is necessary! After the lesson, Dock Side Drive will take the stage until we close up our little shop of horrors 12:30am.
Date: Friday October 28th
Time: doors at 8:15pm, beginner lesson at 8:35pm, band at 9:20pm
Where: 2750 Quadra St (in Dance Victoria, just north of Hillside)
Price: $13 adult, $12 member, $10 student