Party: FAST Tennis
Main page > Scarborough Tennis > FAST Tennis
Upcoming: 5
Date: 07.04.2016 18:30
Address: Deanmore Road, Scarborough Beach, Australia | show on the map »
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FAST Tennis has moved to the hard courts with a NEW format! Last week Peter took out the pizza once again..
- 6.30pm Warm Up | 6.45pm Start
- Sudden death deuce, play lets
- 3 x 20 min doubles rounds
- Singles 'Power Round' will be added into a round - still in a team with your doubles partner and contributes to your total score. Play a singles point - winner stays on, loser swaps with their partner for the next point.
- Player with the most games at the end of the hour wins!
- Courts split into grades
- $10 members | $17 non members
- All pennant players welcome
Click 'ATTENDING' or put your name down at the club before 1pm Thursday to ensure your spot - places are limited!