Party: Fundraiser/ get together/ pizza party
Main page > Bushido Kai > Fundraiser/ get together/ pizza party
Upcoming: 14
Date: 18.02.2018 14:00
Address: 6310 Hood Street , Halifax, Canada | show on the map »
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One of our senior younger students (in photo above, Jujitsu, Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Arts, assistant kids Jujitsu instructor) Evan Roper is working on making his way to Montreal to train with Dan Inosanto who at 80 is considered one of the most knowledgable martial artist in the world. The BK is helping support that goal with the help of BJJ Black Belts, Steve and Nick, JJJ Black Belt and Shootwresting coach Ray and Wrestling coach Mike with an in club special seminar and get together for all adult members And outside friends.
On Sunday Feb 18th 2pm to 5pm we will be working No Gi grappling techniques from BJJ, Shotwrestling, Catch as Can Wrestling, American freestyle, Greco Roman and Filipino Dumog grappling. The rule book is thrown out the door on techniques we will cover and will be a great time to enhance your skills for sport and Self Defense. Plus the BK will be providing pizza after.
Cost at is only $20 and all adults welcome regulardes of style. I (Ray) Personally thank you for your support.
there will be no open training that day.