Party: !! HEUTE !! Kommune 45 w/ Britta Arnold, Jake the Rapper, Rafael Da Cruz uvm.

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Party: !! HEUTE !! Kommune 45 w/ Britta Arnold, Jake the Rapper, Rafael Da Cruz uvm.

Die einen oder anderen unter euch haben bestimmt mit bekommen, dass die Affen immer öfter mit der Dortmunder Kommune 44 gesehen wurden. Gerüchten zu folge entstand in den letzten Jahren aus einer zufälligen Bekanntschaft eine innige Freundschaft zwischen den beiden Lagern. Aus sicherer Hand wissen wir nun, das die Jungs jetzt Ernst machen und ein gemeinsames Projekt an den Start bringen. Unter dem Namen „Kommune 45“ wird das Gespann am 04.04.2015, das erste mal in der Frohnatur in Erscheinung treten. Experten sind sich sicher. Aus diesem Zusammenschluss wird großes entstehen.
Entsprungen aus dem Herzen des Ruhrpotts steht die Kommune 45 für eine Bewegung moderner Stadtkinder, die ihre Lust am bewussten Leben und Freisein gemeinschaftlich teilen und zelebrieren möchten. Es geht um Spaß – frei von jeglichen gesellschaftlichen Zwängen, Normen oder Richtlinien. Urbanes Leben, Feiern, Lifestyle. So, wie es unsere Vorbilder Ende der 60er Jahre in Berlin vorgelebt haben.

Was gibt es schöneres um den Gruppenzusammenhalt zu stärken, als ein kleines Spielchen ? In dieser Nacht werden die Affen für euch in der ganzen Frohnatur kleine Geschenke verstecken. Manche dieser Geschenke sind alleine nicht zu erreichen und es ist Teamgeist und Nächstenliebe gefragt! Zeit zu zeigen wie viel Kommune in euch steckt !

- start 23:00
- 7 dj´s
- Eierspielchen
- end 08:00

Britta Arnold ( Katermukke/ Bar25/ Berlin)
Jake the Rapper ( Bar25/ Berlin )
Rafael Da Cruz ( Compost/ Wilde )
Disha ( Kommune / MAD)
Carlo loco (STRASSENMUSIK / book an ape)
EinDas (STRASSENMUSIK / book an ape)
Someone outside (Ardor / book an ape)

Britta Arnold is a child of Berlin. Born in 1984, she grew up in times of carination in the eastern part of this (multi)coloured city. She underwent the techno-electronic evolution of the late nineties, to become herself a nasty surpise and a vital element of berlin electronic underground in the early 21st century.
Her first excursion to producing, she took in 2006, together with Matt John for the Silverbird Casino CD-compilation. The first live act followed shortly after in the summer of 2006 in the bar25. As if that has not been a challenge at all, she couldn´t get enough (experience) and startet managing the label of this well known and extravagant club. That´s what she has been concentrating on the next three years. Always close to the puls of berlin techno and minimal sound.
In the Season of 2009 she finally found back to professional dj-ing and showed/presented her new and specific sound/tune.
Since April 2010 her first Vinyl, Hummerballet bar25-13 with Philip Bader and Nico Stojan, is released. The next one is coming up on the Label Dantze, of Philip Bader and Niconé.

Jacob Dove Basker was born in 1970 in the Bronx. He didnt really grow up in New York , more like all over the northern U.S., including places like Moscow (Idaho) and Chicago; But he feels most at home in Seattle. Jake was 14 when he played his first show ever in Spokane with his freshly formed College-Punk combo out of Pullman, Washington.

Jake left America in 1990 to get a different perspective on the first gulf war, started by the first Bush. He arrived with 500 dollars, which he managed to stretch over six months using his exotic charm, Henry Miller style. He then discovered the Hamburg Art College (Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg) and stayed there until he emerged with an officiallooking slip of paper from the state, officially extolling him as a bona fide artist. This enabled him to become a New Media trollop for a stint, although Jake has always been more of a jack of all trades. Trades like comic artist, tattoo artist, animator, niceguy and wiseguy. But the music has always been the vehicle to propel him down the endless one way street that is life.

He played in several bands, including a Sonic Youth-like artpunk band in Hamburg for years (always with a different name), and was the first singer of "Niños con Bombas" (who threw him out due to excessive vocal weirdness but still remain friends). Jake started rapping in 1992 as his alter ego M.C. Eye, at a time when white rappers were still pariahs (with very few exceptions- ones like MC 900 Ft Jesus hmm, does anyone else see a spiritual likeness between these two?), first under the patronage of the tough gals of drum and bass, Die Patinnen, then with the Jonas Schoen Sextett and as the leader of the Jazz rap combo M.C. Eye & Blind Jazz. But it was in the Hamburg hiphop training camp Trainingslager that Jake learned to freestyle from his mentor/buddy/adopted son Mad Maxamom. The cross-styling also started soon thereafter, also with Max and with beatboxer Mark Boombastik in a band called No Berlin No, a trashpunkmetalrap band that made it a rule never to practice and still managed to entertain guests on stage like Peaches, Gonzales, and Maxwell from the Meteorites. Mark is seen again with Felix Kubin in Jakes other band, Anaerobic Robots (Gagarin Records)

Eingang über Westendhof
Anreise mit Bus & Bahn:
Ab Essen Hbf:
Buslinie 145/ NE 10
Richtung Essen Fängershof Schleife / Essen Erbach
Haltestelle: Westendstraße


Invited: Steffi Schwering, Jess Wackstar, Hannah Knopf, Omar Bravo, Hasan Baran Özkan, Jenny Rüsselfrau, Poca Hontas, Lucie Lu, Katarzyna Wojciechowska, Tolga Tasci, Siobhan Dittmann, Helen Trump, Bob Morane, Sabrina Viento del Este, Yves Oliveira-Fortes, Anastasios Sp, Dagmar Dupont, Eleni Teichmann, Onur Uygur, Olivia Schm, Konstantinos Angelos Gavrias show more »
