Main page > Green Valley > UNDERLINE_CTRL • 27 DEZEMBRO
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Date: 27.12.2015 22:00
Address: Rua Mamoré, 1083, Rio Pequeno, Camboriú, Brazil | show on the map »
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No dia 27 de dezembro o Green Valley inicia sua programação de verão com a festa que conquistou multidões em 2015. A Underline sai de seu espaço e assume o mainstage para fazer a Underline_Ctrl!
Line-up: Vintage Culture, Victor Ruiz & Any Mello, Stefano Noferini, Chemical Surf, Thee Cool Cats, Base On, Bruno Be, RDT, Sonic Future.
Reservas de mesas e camarotes: [email protected] e 47 9903-4303.
Pontos de venda de ingressos meia entrada:
Balneário Camboriú – Green Valley Store
Blumenau - Triton Eyewear Norte Shopping | General Lyy Shopping Park Europeu
Brusque – Multimoney | Life Surf
Camboriú - Posto Apolo
Curitiba – Multimoney
Florianópolis - Escritório das Bebidas
Gaspar - Julio Schramm
Itajaí - Loja Ingresso Nacional
Itapema - Posto Brava Itapema
Joinville – Multimoney
Navegantes - Elegancy Modas
Pomerode – Farmalan
São José - Ótica Diniz Prime
Classificação: 18 anos
On december 27th Green Valley announces it's summer line up. The Underline_ CTRL is already a success and has been reuniting a lot of people. NOW ON the main stage!
Check out the line up: Vintage Culture, Victor Ruiz & Any Mello, Stefano Noferini, Chemical Surf, Thee Cool Cats, Base On, Bruno Be, RDT, Sonic Future.
Further information about V.I.P area and more on +55 47 9903-4303 or [email protected]
Minimum age: 18 years.