Party: HOUSE NATION Feat. Junior & Ghazzawi Brothers

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HOUSE NATION Feat. Junior & Ghazzawi Brothers

Club: Pacha Sharm El-Sheikh

Upcoming: 72
Date: 26.03.2015 23:00
Address: Pacha Sharm el Sheikh, Naama Bay, Sharm al Shaikh, Egypt | show on the map »

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Party: HOUSE NATION Feat. Junior & Ghazzawi Brothers

Every Thursday, Pacha transforms itself and takes you on a journey of uplifting House through an underwater oasis, jellyfish & open-air above you.



Born in Cairo, Egypt, DJ Junior, the sound traveler was grown between Helsinki, Cairo and Budapest; his early years were a hot pursuit of the underground dance movement wherever the flights took him

By the age 19 DJ Junior was Egypt’s most renowned DJ, being side by side with all the heavy weight visitors including Sasha, Tiesto, Lawler , Deep Dish, Roger Sanchez and Kleinenberg and many more as well as having his own nights in different spots in the Cairo and Sharm EL-Sheikh on the Red Sea, Junior also represented the colossal Globalunderground and Renaissance in Egypt as a promoter and a producer, which never stopped him from being on the decks in the gigs.

Junior is one of the producers of Vanity (Harem Records ) and Alchemy (Avicii Level records ) on Network and Beatport .

Ghazzawi Brothers

Ghazzawi brothers aka Hassan and Abbas Ghazzawi two of the most known and leading djs in the kingdom of Saudi arabia they are red bull djs for the past 7 years handling all of red bull main events in the kingdom and the underground they both have the same taste in music witch is combing groovy house tunes. the mission is to struck global hearts, to know what they can achieve with there creative minds and pure hearts. they played at the formula 1 weekend in abu dhbai ,formula1weekend Bahrein ,london , miami , washingotn dc.playing along side very known names such as 2manydjs , behroz , nverdogs , rachel stars and many more.

Presale ticket until 11PM from Pacha reception:
30 $, 24 €, 19 £, 210 LE

Door Price =
36 $, 29 €, 23 £, 250 LE

Contact us from now at
(+2) 069 3600197 ext 9
English (+2) 012 852 66661
Italian (+2) 012 852 66660
Russian (+2) 012 85266662

or email your request to

Minimum age: 18 years

Reserve from now your private area on the dancefloor or in the surrounding terraces including table service, Private bodyguard and enough space for each of your guests to enjoy this night.

Book your place by calling
(+2) 012 778 66664 or
(+2) 012 778 66665 or


Invited: Fahad F Saud, RyiD A., Megren Alshaalan, Dina Suleiman, Marriam Mossalli, Tarek Sharbatly, Amro Hariri, Husam Alsayed, Danya Cherif, Curly Moe, Mohamed Ghazy, Yousef Niazi, Mayan Fawaz, Lu Abul-Eyoun, Tarek Metwally, Hadir El Akabawi, Gamal Kharma, Eng. Haitham S, Maie El Sabi, Mad Jam, Sherif El Awadi show more »
