Party: Studio In Action presents: WEISS (UK)

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Party: Studio In Action presents: WEISS (UK)

Toolroom Recordsi tõusev täht Weiss on artist, kelle salvestuste hulgast leiab mitmesuguseid House muusika elemente, mis annavad kuulajatele võimaluse hingega sulanduda teema muusikasse. Alustades siis sügavatest jackini gruuvidest, soojadest bassihelidest kuni magusteravate perkussioonide ja tundliku vokaalikasutuseni. Sellelt mehelt saab seda kõike!
Sisaldades House muusika rikkalikku pärandit ja luues muusikat tõelise armastusega, on Weissi loomingut kõrgelt hinnanud juba mitmed tuntud artistid, sealhulgas B.Traits, Shadow Child, Moda Black’s Jaymo & Andy George, Groove Armada ja paljud teised, kes jätkuvalt on lisanud tema loometööd oma playlistidesse.
Lisades tähelepanu Weissi nooruslikkusele artistina, võime olla tunnistajaks uue ajastu House muusika tõelisele tähele, kes ei lakka oma muusika loomisest enne, kui iga House muusika viljeleja oskab peast ümiseda tema rütme.


WEISS (UK) Toolroom Records

+Halfbrother (S.O.S.)

Muudu (Feel, Flavours)

23-00 5
00-01 7
hiljem 10

Uksed: 23:00
Vanus: 20

Deep jacking grooves, warm rumbling subs, sweet sharp percussion, delicate vocal treatment… Whatever it is about house music that stimulates you the most, you’re guaranteed to find plenty of it on a Weiss record.
One of 2013’s most exciting prospects in house music, Weiss might be a new name right now, but with years of behind the scenes studio engineering work under his belt he has more than enough skills to back up the hype. Inspired and infatuated with all forms of music; Kariya, Shades Of Rhythm, Kate Bush, New Atlantic, 808 State and Chic, Weiss has finally invested his love and professional audio skills into his own body of work. Embracing house music’s rich heritage, Weiss grooves have already found a place in the playlists of BBC Radio 1's B.Traits, Shadow Child, Moda Black’s Jaymo & Andy George, Groove Armada and many more. And this is before his first full release.
Stay tuned; As 2013 develops, so will Weiss’s profile. With a string of exciting projects, collaborations and hotly tipped releases on their way, expect nothing but the deepest jacking grooves, the warmest rumbling subs, the sweetest, sharpest percussion and most delicate vocal treatment very very soon…

Invited: Tõnn Kuuli, Kadri Laar, Ylar Aasmae, Katherin Liimets, Lii Tammeleht, Matthias Vutt, Priit Rüütel, Ma Rko, Priit Tomp, Edgar Lipping, Marite Privoi, Tom Lettner, Priit Parmann, Merli Lill, Kaisa Orav, Mikk Keerme, Birgit Ormus, Liis Teemusk, Stiven Palmse, Gerli Tamm, Aive Hiiepuu show more »