Main page > The Pacific Fleet Club > UFC 180 WERDUM VS. HUNT
Upcoming: 2
Date: 15.11.2014 18:30
Address: 1587 Lyall Street, Victoria, Canada | show on the map »
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Come join for our PPV action of UFC.
Free to all! Bring a guest, or 7!
Free popcorn and Pizza!
$3 Beer Special
Don't forget we also have Hoyne's Dark Matter on tap!!
Invited: Tom Eustace, Drew Coutts, Courtney Beere, Eric Nicol, Corey William Charles Pettipas, Andrew Glenn Clark, Marisa Lynne, Peter A. Kawzowicz, Russ Dumbrique, Chris Adam Morris, Scott Ferrari, Marcy Brown, Kristen Janssen, Malisa Rose, Brad Reicker, Kelly Corbett, Sonja Allison-Ryan, Robyn Murree, Clayton Mills, Derek Rowlands, Ty Ler, Danny Buch, Skyler Thomas Tarabawka, Brandon Ensom, Tina Jahraus, Stephanie Zadow, Brad Salmon, Sarah Williams, Jorden Moehling, Geoff Harris, Seth Elinsky, Dan Bat Lucia, Amber Oldland, Jorges Javier Namrif, Marc Godin, Ollie Youngblud, Terry Thomson, Caitlin Rielly, Stephon Mullett, Ashley Pye, Steve Brown, Justin M Schembri, Arron P. Beeds, Chris McGowan, Diane Gusevski, Kim Malinski, Adam Caines, Bre Chantel, Kayla Anderson, Daniel Arbouw, Greg Davidson, Aaron Glassford, Kendra Korolyk, Andrea Bent, Dean Rudolph, Malcolm Byers, Nikki Ducharme, Jill Bagg, Kelley Ball, Chris Mcknight, Spiros Filippatos, Laura Allan, Chantelle Burritt, Justin Redmond, John Prybylski, Jamie Van Delft, Keith Kowalyk, Matt Lewis, Nick Kaattari, Travis McLean, Logan Daye, Jonathan Ferrari, Sonny Brar, Shaun Cochrane, Matty Hawes, Tyrel JanZen show more »